

I believe psychotherapy should make a lasting difference in a person’s life, over time, giving you a greater sense of comfort in your own skin and helping you develop a deeper understanding of yourself and your experience in the world.

Together, we can make constructive change by identifying and addressing the core issues that contribute to suffering whilst alleviating the more overt symptoms (depression, anxiety etc) that may have led to the desire for therapy in the first place. This almost always includes understanding more deeply one’s own unconscious world and the psychological dynamics that take place within one’s mind, in a way that seeks to afford greater self-compassion, freedom and psychological space to move from a place of choice and desire rather than being hamstrung by sabotaging patterns and (often false) beliefs from our past.

I provide psychotherapy to individuals who experience a range of concerns including, but not limited to mood, anxiety, trauma, psychosomatic, grief, loss, anger, adjustment, and relationship or familial difficulties. Psychotherapy may also be suitable for individuals experiencing vague or diffuse concerns, or who may be seeking to more broadly improve their lives.

I work from a psychodynamic and psychoanalytic orientation. Other evidence-based treatment modalities drawn upon include cognitive behaviour therapy, mindfulness based interventions, behavioural activation and schema therapy.